Friday, September 18, 2015

Wage Rate Schedule and Act 165, Regular Session of 2015

        New wage rate schedule #486 is available and effective Monday, September 21, 2016, as required under Hawaii's prevailing wage law, Wages and Hours of Employees on Public Works, Chapter 104, Hawaii Revised StatutesAct 165, Regular Session of 2015, amended the law to provide for overtime rates of "not less than" one and one-half times the regular rate.  It further required the overtime compensation to be at the rate set by the prevailing collective bargaining agreement.  Upon review of the prevailing collective bargaining agreements the Director has adjusted the overtime in certain classifications.  Classifications with an overtime rate adjustment are listed in the Wage Rate Schedule with a reference to footnote 13.
       Act 165 does not expand the availability of overtime, it simply increased the rates for designated overtime by law.  Overtime is still due after 8 hours in a day, and all day on Saturday, Sunday, and State holidays.  Act 65 has now authorized an overtime rate at 2 times the basic hourly rate plus fringe benefits for work in 15 classifications on certain weekend or State holiday days.

      The wage rate schedule also provides 3 times the basic hourly rate plus fringe benefits for work on Labor Day in 12 classifications.