The issues about defining "green" are included on the Hawaii Green Jobs Initiative Website at Green Job definitions. This week the DLIR launched an online searchable Green Employers List and the green jobs they offer.
The Green Employers Directory provides information about what these green workerrs do and includes the skills and training needed for these green jobs. This online searchable database is a product of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The initial Green Employers Directory was one of the by-products of a survey conducted in 2010 which can be viewed by clicking here.
Once an employer is registered they can update the jobs and information in the Directory. It's a great free resource for both employers and employees who are looking to find forward-thinking members of our community. There are currently 276 employers listed State-wide, although some firms are listed more than once to represent different locations. To access the directory, go to Businesses wishing to be added to the directory may contact the DLIR Research and Statistics office at (808)586-9013 or
The DLIR also has green connections that provide money to support On-The-Job training (click on "Employers" to get to On-the-Job training page) of employees through the State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) led by the Workforce Developmen Council. ("WDC"). All the documents and requirements of the programs offering 50% to 90% reimbursement of training fees are on line to review. This is the place where the WDC keeps all the new programs and opportunities posted. You can keep up to date with them on Facebook. "Like"!/sesphawaii
The WDC, or the idea and policy people of DLIR, are currently working on the premier "green" industry of Agriculture. Looking to the community for answers there are public forums set on each island to assess the skills and training needed for current and future workforces. The next one is January 24, 2012 in East Hawaii. The WDC is looking for members of the agriculture community to define the requirements to grow and develop the agriculture industry in their counties, so these forums will be very focused on the needs of the area where they are convened. An example of the agenda from the Oahu can be found on the webpage under the NEW! Agriculture Skill Panels Materials (at the bottom of the left hand side grey list of choices.) If you are interested in attending you can contact .
There is a lot of opportunity out there for both employers and employees to catch the "green" wave -- and DLIR has ideas and programs to help! Let us. Get in touch with being green.
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