Wednesday, May 2, 2012

OES Arriving Soon in Your Mailbox!

     The Occupational Employment Survey (OES) will be mailed out soon from the DLIR Research and Statistics Office.  I urge you to take a moment and fill it out and return it as soon as possible.  The information gathered is confidential.  Everyone's participation is important.

       The Occupational Employment Survey is directed to employers in order to gather the data.  It is a national project funded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is useful data for both employers and employees. 

     Just the other day a friend was finally offered a job (Yeah!) after being unemployed for a whole year.  She was at the stage of negotiating the details of her new job, including salary and asked me what she could expect to be paid. I had no idea because she is an art director and I am an administrator, so I sent her to the Research and Statistics HIWI website, specifically, the Occupational Employment Survey. (See the Jan 30 post on this blog)

     When my friend found the salary range for her particular job title, she recognized that she was likely going to take a cut in pay from her last job in another state. Having this information was helpful for both parties.  It gave realistic goals for my friend that she could work with and helped her employer by remaining competitive for good employees.

     The data, like all data, is only as good as its source.  Data from the DLIR can be relied on for it's integrity and accuracy because their mission is to serve Hawaii.  The broader the spectrum of collection, the more accurate the information reported.  DLIR needs employers to respond to the survey that is sent out by the Research and Statistics Office to ensure the best possible sampling.  Employers can expect to find the survey in their mail boxes next week.  Be on the lookout.

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