Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Updates: Prevailing Wage Surveys and Proposed Rules

   Proposed Rules:  Work continues on revising and proposing elevator and boiler rules.  Proposed amendments to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel rules Chapters 12-220 to 12-225, Hawaii Administrative Rules, passed the Small Business Regulatory Review Board at the June 20 meeting and next step of getting the governor's approval and publishing the notice of public heaing is in process.   Proposed changes to the Elevator rules continue to be developed.  The focus of the changes continues to be bringing the rules up to current national industry standards and providing a safe environment for the public.

   Prevailing Wage Surveys:  Due  August 3. This Friday is the deadline for submitting any information on the Prevailing Wage Survey being conducted by the Reasearch and Statistics Office.  The prevailing wage survey reaches out to contractors who conduct the following work:  Chlorinator, Drapery Installer, Fence Erector (Chain Link), Concrete Mixer Driver/Booster Driver, Termite Treater and Water Well Driller.  The surveys are important to the State as they determine the prevailng wage on the wage rate schedule for the next year in those classifications of jobs for all State and county construction work under Hawaii's "little Davis-Bacon", Chapter 104, Hawaii Revised Statutes.  Contractors should have received their survey forms last month.  If contractors believe they should be participating and want to be included in the survey, they can contact the Research and Statistics office at by email at or call (808) 586-9019, for information on how to participate.

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