Friday, May 11, 2012

And the winner is . . .

The current trend in technology is creating "apps" -- even the government is doing it.  Earlier in the year I pointed to some challenges the USDOL was making to developers to find interesting ways to use the data that is available on their website.  (See February 2, 2012 post)  The Equal Pay App Challenge winners have been announced. 

Unfortunately, I have yet to get a mobile device that will support its use, so have not been able to play, but for those who do have an iPhone or iPad you might have some fun with the Gender Gap Game, especially if you're a male.  The game asks the player to guess at whether a particular salary amount for a particular job is a male salary average or a female average.  I challenge you to play the game until you find one where the female salary is higher.  This is why it may be somewhat frustrating for women.  The intent however is education, so that women will be stronger negotiators and understand the worth of their position.

The good news is that Hawaii, is actually above average in this area.  Where the national average has women earning 77 cents to every dollar a male earns, wahine in Hawaii are earning 80 cents to that dollar. Great news would be that we earn the same amount for the same job.  An interesting fact sheet on this material was produced last month as part of equal pay day April 17 and can be found here

But you're reading this to learn the winning app, so here is a link to the app walk through video that shows how to play.  Find it at  For the contest runners up see  Can't wait to hear what you think.

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