Thursday, August 30, 2012

Labor Day

       Every Labor Day the  Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (Department)  is reminded of its purposes under the law to ". . .administer programs designed to increase the economic security, physical and economic well-being, and productivity of workers, and to achieve good labor-management relations, . . " (Section 26-20, Hawaii Revised Statutes). While this requirement in the law provides direction, it is the compassion and energy of the individuals who work in all the programs throughout the State that make the execution of these goals possible.  Like every business in Hawaii and across the United States it is the laborers, the employees, the workers, who make the business succeed, and the Department  is no exception.
     Many of the Department individuals are dedicated State employees with decades of experience and expertise.  This year the Department recognizes three employees with 40 years of service.  Edwina Luke    in the Administrative Services Office, Carol Kanayama with Workforce Development Division, and Nora Ebata with the Hawaii Labor Relations Board.  All three women are valuable assets to the Department.  Other dedicated employees will be recognized for 30, 20 and 10 year anniversaries of their State employment. 
    No matter how long someone has worked for an employer each person's contribution to the business is notable and that is an important element of the Labor Day holiday.   I hope other employers around the State will pause this Labor Day and recognize the value each one of their employees brings to their business and remember to say "Mahalo."  Happy Labor Day 2012!

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