Thursday, February 28, 2013

Art in Public Places

       Today is a great day for me and I thought it was going to be a very sad one.  As part of the Art in Public Places I have lived with a large pastel drawing in my office by Kauai artist Sally French called "Hot Lips".  It is a drawing of a fire breathing monster and makes a statement about the choices we make in love.  It has  been a comforting friend for all the years I have been in this office and a whimsical point of conversation to visitors. 

      Today, was the day the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts (SFCA) removed it from my office to re-locate it to the Capitol in the office of Representative Mark Nakashima.  Representative Nakashima and I share the love for this special work of art.  I have worked side-by-side with Hot Lips in my office since 2005, so I knew giving it up  was the right thing to do, afterall, it is part of the Re-locatable Collection, and it was going to someone who would appreciate it too!

      When I called SFCA to arrange for the move, they were very sympathetic to my sense of loss and promised me an opportunity to find a new treasure.  Everyone knows change is difficult and finding love is, well, not easy.  When the curator came to my office with the stack of "available" pieces  I asked, "Do you have any Eli Baxter?"  The curator ruffled through the stack of sculpture cards and found two pieces I recognized immediately and was so happy to provide a home.  After we sifted through more than two or three dozen cards in the "large" painting category to fill the empty space on my wall. . . I found them.  Instantly,  I knew I was going to have two new friends:  Masami Teraoka's  "Janet" and "Emu Woman".  They were installed this morning and are watching over me now.

    So today, I thought I was going to lose something and instead gained four new points of inspiration!   Change is a funny thing...we dread it and when it gets there, it greets us with a big warm embrace, and we can't remember what we were afraid of.  Oh yeah, and any time I want to visit my old friend "Hot Lips" I can just visit Representative Mark Nakashima in Room 406 at the Capitol.  I love the Art in Public Places program.  Mahalo Hawaii.

   This Friday, March 1, First Friday, you can see the State collection at HISAM, and on April 5, the Capitol will participate in Art at the Capitol.  Go see for yourself! 

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